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Kelly Clarkson

este o cantareata minunata si are o voce superba si este foarte frumoasa.....merita sa vedeti toate pozele cu ea


I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake, a smile, a laugh
Every day of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry
Every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry
In the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I tried my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because ït's empty
Because of you
I am afraďd

Because of you
Because of you
Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson (1)
Kelly Clarkson (1)
Kelly Clarkson  2009
Kelly Clarkson 2009
Kelly Clarkson  2009 (1)
Kelly Clarkson 2009 (1)
Kelly Clarkson C
Kelly Clarkson C
Kelly Clarkson Clive Davis PreGRAMMY Awards P
Kelly Clarkson Clive Davis PreGRAMMY Awards P
Kelly Clarkson I Do Not Hook Up
Kelly Clarkson I Do Not Hook Up

Comentarii album • 1
DeNiSeLoVe 6 April 2010  
'because of you' e o meleodie ce o recomand.....
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